Green Tea Ice Cream

When I started making ice cream I had a few different ones that I wanted to try that are my personal favorites. But this ice cream is my wifes favorite and the one that she request me to make almost as soon as its gone! The funny thing about this is that she does not like any kind of Asian inspired food whatsoever but she fell in love with this ice cream at Benihana, which for those who dont have them is a tepannyaki style restaurant. Everytime she would go the meal would always end with a scoop of their green tea ice cream. But now that I make it she gets her fill at home, and best part of all it tastes much better. For this recipe I have been using an organic Matcha powder, you dont need to use organic of course but any Japenese and/or Asian centric market should carry Matcha, you may even be lucky enough to find it in a well stocked super market like Whole Foods. Like most single flavor ice creams the recipe is simplicity itself but the complex and resfreshing flavors of the Matcha are anything but. Plus hey I guess you can say that it is somewhat good for you seeing as how green tea has loads of antioxidants in it! This ice cream is great just by itself but you can also add things to it like here I just ground up some roasted almonds because I had them on hand. You can also add ground soy bean powder to the top or even mix in some sweet red beans. Now that spring is upon us and summer to follow I hope you enjoy this refreshing ice cream.

2 Cups Heavy Cream
1 Cup Whole Milk
3/4 Cup Sugar
6 Large Egg Yolks
4 Tsp. Matcha Powder
Pinch of Salt

1. In a medium sauce pan combine 1 cup of the heavy cream with the cup of whole milk, sugar, and the pinch of salt and simmer slowly to disolve the sugar
2. Meanwhile in another bowl pour in the remaining 1 cup heavy cream and whisk in the Matcha powder to disolve it, set this bowl over an ice batch and place a fine mesh strainer on top
3. In a larger bowl add your 6 egg yolks
4. Once the cream,milk, and sugar mixture is heated slowly pour it into the egg yolks while constantly whisking to temper the eggs. When you have added half the liquid to the eggs pour it all back into the pan and heat to thicken the custard
5. At this point do not leave the custard as it can begin to curdle real quick, and thats not good. Once the mixture has thickened and coats the back of a spoon pour it into the cream and matcha through the strainer
6. Remove the strainer and whisk vigurously until the whole mixture is nice and frothy
7. Continue to chill the mixure over the ice bath for about 20 minutes then move it to your fridge to chill completely
8. Once your custard has chilled (make sure it is in the fridge for at least 4 hours) churn it according to your ice cream makers directions, this would also be the time you would want to add any mix ins like the sweet red beans
9. After churning place in a freezer safe container and let harden for at least 2 hours, then serve and enjoy!

*Tip: if you want a softer ice cream right out of the freezer add some Vodka to the mixture and whisk it in right before adding it to your ice cream maker. You can add up to 3 Tbsp. without any adverse effects


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